Givio’s College Intern Class, Spring of 2021 is coming to a close.

As we reflect back on our Future Fundraisers of America program and what our brilliant young go-getters have accomplished, we’re excited to watch them head off on their journey becoming charitably minded citizens of action, socially responsible entrepreneurs, engaged and empowered employees, and innovative nonprofit heroes.

The program supported 26 interns from different backgrounds, hometowns and 21 different schools across the country, from University of Washington to University of Virginia. Each student has their own compelling story of why they chose to dedicate their semester to an internship with Givio. Yet they all share a single commonality: a desire to roll-up their sleeves and make good things happen.

Our team worked hard and we’re mighty proud. Highlights include: connecting with 5,000 people across 22 target markets from Seattle to Washington, DC, conducting competitive research and product reviews, creating “how-to” videos, and influencing the development roadmap of our product (say hello to campaign videos! you have the interns to thank for that.) Utilizing tech platforms like Google, Hubspot, Later, Slack — and of course Givio — they raised (and are still raising) thousands of dollars for nonprofits all across the country. Pretty impressive, right?

Want to meet some of them? We thought you would.

Meet Jenny, Marketing and Business Development Intern. Jenny is a Sophomore at University of Washington. Jenny says “AAPI hate has been an ongoing issue for many years and it’s heartbreaking to see the community suffer. As a member of the AAPI community myself, I’ve always known I wanted to use my voice to help make a positive difference. This is why I decided to intern with Givio. When I met fellow intern Hannah (UC Santa Barbara), we connected on this issue immediately. We saw that Asian-run businesses took the hardest hit from the pandemic so together, we created and promoted a fundraiser to help provide some relief. Working with Givio’s fundraising technology, we even surprised ourselves with our results, surpassing our goal in less than 24 hours. Thanks to the immense support from our campus peers, the Instagram community and the Givio platform, we’re able to do more than just think about making a difference, we’re doing it.”

We could go on, introducing you to all our interns right here, but you can just check our LinkedIn page to learn more about these bright young stars, where they’re coming from, and where they’re going.

Lastly, as we wrap up this outstanding Spring class, we wanted to say THANK YOU to all of our interns. And equally important, THANK YOU to Givio Charitable Foundation’s supporters. Without support, we couldn’t do what we do.

If you would like to support our mission and the Future Fundraisers of America, please consider making a donation, today. Each intern requires approximately $2,500 to support per semester. Interested in a Corporate Sponsorship? Send me an email. While the benefits to your company are numerous, the impact on young lives and the communities they will touch is immeasurable.

Next up: New beginnings for us all. The Givio College Intern Class, Summer of 2021 commences May 15th with 33 outstanding individuals, including a few repeat performances from Spring 2021 (which puts an extra wide grin on our faces). Stay tuned to learn more about what these future fundraisers and the Givio Charitable Foundation accomplish, together.

Thanks for reading! And as always, my virtual door is open. Let’s chat.

Gary Carr signature

Gary Carr, CEO, Givio